IBM iSeries is a midrange server developed to fit data storage and computing requirements for businesses.  Since launch, the system has undergone several enhancements and IBM has consistently invested in reinvigorating and delivering new capabilities on the iSeries platform, and most importantly customers are taking advantage of these cutting-edge technologies to deliver new business services. Further, on account of this, IBM iSeries systems and software applications can be integrated with variant networks other native applications, web and mobile applications with the help of advanced programming methods such as ILE, C++, Java, PHP, web services, etc.
One key aspect that we personally believe kept this system highly competitive during the last three decades is its underlying robust architecture and it’s world-class integration abilities. This underlying architecture of the system is not an add-on feature of the system but was an inherent aspect of the operating system from day one.

The AS400 was revolutionary in its inception and was considerably more affordable compared to other platforms, and since then IBM has delivered advanced computing platforms – AS400e, iSeries, System i, and IBMi platforms from that robust platform. But none of these advancements would matter if businesses would be hindered in embracing these new offerings, and that is why we think, the AS400 is such a remarkable product. Businesses could still run their existing databases and applications and at the same time quickly and cost-effectively leverage the new technological advancements. Can you think of any other platforms, with these inherent strengths? we definitely don’t think so.
There are over 100,000 companies that rely on IBM iSeries/AS400 to power their mission-critical applications. Here are the top reasons that could help you decide and on your future investments in the iSeries platform.

Data Security:

Digitalization is increasing at a significant pace, but it comes with a constant fear of data breach. The recently disclosed security flaws as “Spectre” and “Meltdown” are questioning the security of all Power-based systems.  This clearly points out that nothing is safe across the business. In this current backdrop, one system that has outperformed in terms of security is IBM iSeries. It's zero tolerance towards data breaches has made it one of the most sought-after systems in a data-centric organization such as banking, finance, and healthcare firms.

Continued Innovations:

Since its inception, the AS400 system continues to evolve, become increasingly robust and agile.  The system has embraced several modern technologies and helped them gain a competitive edge with its properties like ultra-high uptime, low costs, flexibility, and simple functioning. With AS400 cloud symmetry the system has become even more versatile. The Power10 processor, according to IBM is still on track for delivery in 2021, along with innovations such as hybrid memory, cognitive computing, deep machine learning algorithms, etc.

More players Offering IBM iSeries Services:

There has been a significant rise in the number of vendors offering IBM iSeries/AS400 consulting services to the companies. This is good news for those operating in this technology space and provides a consistent supply of expertise and know-how – enabling a business to leverage their time-tested intellectual capital and compete in the marketplace – smarter and better!


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