AS400 and its OS/400 (now IBM i) have Come a Long Way

 We want to take you back to history of AS400.

We have observed time and again when talking to our customers that no matter the branding changes – veterans still prefer to call it their AS400.

Have a look at its journey since 1988 that led the way for today’s IBM AS/400:

Did you know this about your IBM iSeries? (AS400 System – Hardware/OS)

  • IBM AS400 i Series (now Power Systems) and its predecessors have had three different OS names, seven different OS versions, and more than twenty revisions.
  • The OS/400 operating system in 1988 has run on 6 different hardware and was called AS400 at that time.
  • At least seventeen different CPUs have run the IBM AS-400 system and its predecessors.
  • Since 1988, IBM has sold more than 50 hardware models to run the product line of IBM AS 400 iSeries
  • All the IBM AS400 software customers can run the software and as 400 databases were created in 1988.
  • According to IBM– “The AS400 systems incorporates a trusted combination of an interactive database, security, networking, web services, and storage management abilities”. Furthermore, it also provides a comprehensive and highly stable database and middleware foundation.
  • Commonly AS400 services are used for data warehousing, web and e-commerce serving, and Java application development.
  • Also, if you are already familiar with AS/400 experience but confused with multiple terms associated with it- you should look at this.
  • The AS400 applications are known by various names- System i, iSeries, and IBM i. IBM uses all these names as a brand initiative over the years. It was renamed as iSeries in 2000 and was renamed to System i in 2006, as a part of a brand initiative. However, they all refer to the same AS400 and can be used interchangeably.
  • IBM shared the news of its integration with the System p platform in the year 2008. And the unified product line is called IBM power systems and features support for the IBM i.

    The operating system has undergone several name changes by IBM. It was first called System/36, then became OS400 and later became i5/OS in 2006 after introducing eServer i5 that features POWER5 processors. And finally, it became IBM i.

    IBM i, the latest evolution of IBM AS400, is a descending of OS400, and together they run on “Power Systems‘ hardware and have its own set of unique features such as:

    • The subsystems provide backward compatibility with earlier versions of IBM AS/400, so migration to the newer IBM i platform requires no application re-installation.
    • The IBM i is designed as a “turnkey” OS, and is said to require little or no attention from IT staff during normal business operations.
    • The maintenance of hardware and software tasks is integrated.
    • “Wizard-driven” system administration
    • The self-care policy on IBM AS400 iSeries is fully automated. It schedules the system maintenance automatically, detects issues in the system, and even orders spare parts if required.
    • Software data like DB2 SQL that are the much necessary software to run the IBM AS400 are already integrated into the base OS, eliminating the need of purchasing and installing the software separately.
    • With the rise of cloud computing technology, some IT experts have labeled IBM Power Systems as “OFF” and written that many new companies won’t consider it due to the high cost. But, when one hour of technology downtime can cost a company up to $1 million, companies (especially in the manufacturing and retail sector) still prefer to stick with IBM AS400 architecture. Also, the cost and complexity of migrating to another platform are hard to justify.

      Furthermore, the traditional IBM AS/400 system is leveraged with RPG, newer IBM AS400 host RPG applications, and some unique applications like Java. Also, it is integrated with server technology like “DB2” universal database and “Lotus Domino” software.

      The “i” in IBM iSeries stands for integration, and this is the feature that differentiates it from others.

    • There’s More to the AS400

      • How long have you been using AS400?
      • How has been your experience with AS400 Applications?
      • What makes you still stick to the AS400 ecosystem?

      Well, we know you won’t deny the fact that AS/400 is the most robust, reliable, and secure technology ever existed.

      Still, there are some unsung features and services that AS-400 has released for businesses to adapt to the changing business needs.

      This blog focuses on the captivating world of AS400 where we will unearth its distinctive features, and its ongoing popularity.

      Take a plunge to discover why businesses continue to use this renowned platform, the numerous benefits it has, and the opportunities for integrating modern-day solutions.

      Brace yourself for an enthralling insight on the most important facts about IBM AS400, its advanced applications, and modern-day solutions for serious business.

    • Let us uncover the ground for the AS400 iSeries, an evolving and adaptable powerhouse that keeps on growing in today’s business landscape.

    • Source URL-


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